Formation of Agriculture Marketing Committee:
With following functions:
A. Procurement of inputs (minimize the cost of procurement)
1. Seeds
2. Fertilizers
3. Plant protection chemicals
4. Organic pesticides
5. Farm Yard Manure
6. Any other inputs
7. Maintaining the file which will have all the correspondence in this regard
B. Options of procurement
2. RSK
4. Companies
5. Dealership
C. Estimation of the requirement
1. Identifying the inputs
2. Indentifying the suppliers
3. Collecting the prices/quotations
4. Cost of transportation
5. Handling of complaints
6. Usage tips
7. Farmer wise requirement
D. Cost minimization
1. Inputs
2. Improving the efficiency
3. Better management of labor
4. Better management of equipments
5. Proper planning in capital acquisition
6. Organic inputs
E. Risk Minimization
1. Crop insurance
2. Personal insurance
F. Improving the quality of production:
1. Documenting the production processes
2. Seed treatment
3. Good nursery practices
4. Sowing at the right time.
5. Method of spray
6. Forecasting and taking precautions
7. Right method to dry
8. Irrigation at right time.
9. Cultural practices
10. Maintaining the quality of inputs
11. Proper weighments –while buying inputs and while selling outputs
12. Storing in the right place
13. Proper grading and packing.
G. Post Harvest
1. Proper threshing yard
2. Appropriate drying
3. Threshing
4. Cleaning
5. Grading and packing
H. Tracking the prices
1. Inputs
2. Produce
I. Market
1. Sandy days
3. Fares
4. Exhibitions
5. Collaborative farming options
6. Contract farming
J. Improving the networking
1. Whole sales
2. Certifying agencies
3. Bulk buyers
4. Transporters
5. Government functionaries
7. Breaking the nexus between traders/APMC/Hamali
K. Involvement of the stake holders in the PRA
1. Banker
3. Retailer
4. Contract farming
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